Thursday, October 27, 2005

Windsurfing Nation Review

not that good

Oct 29, 2005 by Greg Windsurfing Nation by Broken Social Scene

★★☆☆☆ In the movie Wonder Boys, Michael Douglas plays a writer and English professor nursing the gigantically long and long un-finished follow-up to his much admired masterpiece, "The Arsonist's Daughter". Everyone is always trying to get their hands on the towering mess of a manuscript: his editor, his admiring peers, his star student, Hannah Green (played by Katie Holmes). Eventually, during the course of the movie's wacky hijinks, he leaves the thing out and Hannah gets ahold of it. She stays up all through the night reading it. Her opinion sums up pretty well what I feel about the new self-titled Broken Social Scene record. She says, "In class you're always telling us that writing is about making choices. And it kind of seems like you didn't make any. At all."


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